The Self Healing Meditation Lounge

An online, unique and transformative meditation experience

Our guided meditations are designed to help you tune into and activate your own torus field for self-healing, allowing you to access your higher intelligence and restore well-being through zero point energy.

Delivered Online:

All our meditation services are delivered online, making it easy for you to participate from the comfort of your own home. Our intuitive flow process applies our understanding of the torus in a practical way, leading to profound self-healing and inner calmness.

Meditation Options


    Purchase our unique pre-recorded meditation and experience the benefits of self-guided healing at your convenience.


    Join a small group session for a collective meditation experience. Each session includes a free copy of our pre-recorded meditation.


    For a more personalised experience, book a private guided meditation session with James.

What is the Torus?

The torus is pivotal to your healing process. It flows through the spine and regulates your biology as it interacts with the surrounding zero point field. While this electromagnetic sphere isn’t visible to the naked eye, its effects, such as posture, tension and alignment are all evident.

During treatment I gently change the torus’ flow through your spine akin to a river gently changing path which purges old stresses (stored memory / grievances ) from your body.

Changing the torus’ flow through your spine will liberate tight muscles, spinal misalignment, pain and stagnation leaving you upright, deeply relaxed and a fullness of breath.

Meet your torus or higher intelligence via our proprietary mediation technique.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

― Nikola Tesla