Straighten Up

Getting you back on your feet, and back into life

Your body isn’t designed to be in pain.

Hi, I’m James.

I'm great at putting broken bodies back together again where other treatments have failed.

The process restores your connection with life force or zero point energy through a non-manipulative hands-on process. Restored flow can correct your posture, resolve pain, bring peace to your mind and resolve dysfunction in the body.

Beyond getting functional, Straighten Up is a life extension aid designed to overcome signs of ageing and live a buoyant long life.

People see me for all manner of pain, and most often come in for help with issues such as:

  • chronic pain

  • neck and back pain

  • knee and hip pain

  • Postural improvement

  • pain after a car accident (I see whiplash a lot!)

  • planter fasciitis

  • sciatica

  • headaches

In addition to pain relief, an improvement in posture, and better range of motion - my patients report:

  • improved wellbeing

  • sleeping better

  • feeling less frustrated, less reactive and much more calm

  • better relationships (with themselves and/or their family and friends) feeling more centred, and

  • more energy!

  • Improved mood.

Google Reviews

“This was a life changing treatment for me that keeps bringing new surprises as I go through more sessions.

After going to countless physiotherapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors, none of them compare to the spinal and cranial alignment that James offers. It’s a whole body improvement and the effects are far reaching beyond the troublesome spots that ached me for years. Definitely give this a go if you’re looking for a whole body approach and are ready for real changes. Best thing I ever did!”

— Danielle Y.

“I woke up Monday morning with huge hip pain. Not sure if I should go to a masseuse or Chiro, but had James in the back of my mind that he would be the best person, as the pain was becoming unbearable by Tuesday. I called James booked an appointment that afternoon. After the session, I could walk better and the pain was 80% gone. James was great, I felt so much better and could walk without a limp. Next morning (Wednesday) I woke up and only had 5%pain left. Thursday woke up 100% pain completely gone. So I would highly recommend James.”

— Mel R.

“James uses an entirely unique mix of mental and physical techniques to provide exquisite results, immediately and ongoing. I always leave feeling on a high”

— Nicholas M.


Book a Free Consult

This is a no obligation call for you to get your questions answered and see whether this is the right modality for you.